December 05, 2004

Review Time!

Ok its movie time again...been downloadin and burnin loadsa startin to get guilty over this piracy thing....doesnt help that im studyin fact i did a module on Computer Ethics last year....not much software ethics goin on

Well anyways ive just watched The Last Samurai...its my second time watchin it but this time i took more notice of the whole story instead of the fighting......i must say it does have some neat sword fighting scenes...they were choreographed pretty well.... u wouldnt expect less from japanese choreographers cos theyve been at it since the 50's...remember director Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai? or Ran?...highly recommended if u like classic samurai films...i like the whole code of honor and the respect thingy....really good values....

Anyways besides the good swordplay, i didnt think much of Tom Cruises hair....he looked like a mangy dog in the film....i get the whole drunkard ex-military part in the beggining, but i really think he should have had a shave and cut of his girly strands at the end....the part where he joins the samurai, thats wen he should haf cut gosh, he just looks ridiculous....cant help thinking of Jackie Chan and his silly hairdo as well....haf u noticed Jackie's got the same hairstyle since forever?...he probly still thinks its the 80's..mebe thats why he's still doin monkey stunts in the movies...

Ok enough of actor bashing....back to the review...nowadays i make it a habit to draw a positive aspect, an inspiring phrase, or an interesting caption out of each movie i see....wat caught my atention was the ending scene where the Japanese Emperor said these stiring words " I have dreamed of a unified Japan, of a country strong and independant, and modern, and now we have railroads, and cannons and western clothing...but we cannot forget who we are, or where we come from"

"But we cannot forget who we are, or where we come from"

He couldnt have said it foreign students in a distant country, we sometimes get too caught up in the lifestyle and culture much so we forget the values we learnt, the culture and tradition of our forefathers...but most of all, we tend to forget the very people who brought us up and provided the means for us to study abroad...thats something we should never 2 pence...cheers


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